Archive | July, 2022

For Immediate Release: 7/20/22

18 Jul

Contact: Cindy Arasim, 206-850-3635,

Seattle, Washington Shoppers will return Plastic Packaging to Trader Joe’s to Call for Action to reduce Wasteful, Polluting Packaging this Plastic-Free July.

Excessive single-use packaging contributes to Washington’s waste problem, environmental degradation, climate change and burdens its taxpayers. Single use plastic packaging, in particular, is a growing global environmental crisis we cannot afford to continue ignoring as the U.S. plastics recycling rate drops below 6% and the U.S. plastics industry is on track to outpace the coal industry’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

On Saturday, July 23rd, Trader Joe’s shoppers will return their single use packaging waste (with respect for the store’s employees) in a call for Trader Joe’s to reduce its wasteful and polluting single-use plastic packaging. This action is part of the global Plastic-Free July effort to reduce plastic.

What: local residents will return large amounts of single-use plastic packaging to Trader Joe’s along with a letter urging CEO Dan Bane, to commit to phasing out single-use plastic packaging.

When: Saturday, July 23rd, 2022 at 10:30 am.

Where: Trader Joe’s on Queen Anne, near corner of Boston and Queen Anne Avenue North.

Photo Opportunity: Shoppers with carts full of packaging waste from Trader Joe’s will gather to highlight the urgent need for a packaging reduction act in the state legislature.